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Call 512-968-8883 for a free, in-person estimate.
Reduce packing stress.1. Purge
Get rid of unused and unnecessary items. A massive purge is the single biggest positive impact you can have on the ease and efficiency of packing up your belongings.
2. Plan Ahead
Pack the following items separately:
- what you'll need for your first day/night in your new home
- a personal overnight bag
- all important papers and documents
- cleaning products for the clean-out and clean-in
Make these the last things you pack so you can find them right away.
3. It's Personal
Take personal and sentimental items that can't easily be replaced with you in your car.
4.Hang it Up
Use wardrobe boxes to protect coats, suits and dresses so they can remain on their hangers.
5. Size Matters
Use small boxes for heavy items like books, and large boxes for lighter items like bedding.
6. Label, Label, Label!
Label boldly and accurately on the sides of your boxes so labels can be seen when boxes are stacked. Also use different colored tape to identify, at a glance, your boxes by room.
7. Prevent Breakage
Pack dishes vertically - not horizontally. Place them wrapped in paper in a box on their sides - like records - and then fill empty spaces with bubble wrap.
8. Avoid Messy Leakage
Prevent toiletries and other liquids from leaking by removing the cap, placing plastic wrap or a plastic bag over the opening, and securing the cap back over the plastic seal.
9. Electronic Wisdom
The safest way to pack electronics is in their original boxes. Take photos to remember how wires are connected so you don’t struggle later when putting audio-visual systems back together again.
10. Little Things Matter
Avoid losing small parts like screws and cords by putting them in plastic bags and securing them to the item they belong to with tape
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